The True Costs of a Work-Related Injury

Tony Martin wrote this absolutely terrific article, which can be viewed in its entirety at;,0&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8gvu1EXoUsllmoS5o_4O41A0VttCjvdGBU2YBP0omRvui-AcyK0g2N91sT2azeu_yn5Mxvxrm5H1VGnPuS7OfBdqSJXg&_hsmi=67437367
Points made by Tony include;

  • “Where a job-related injury was once viewed as an isolated expense on the company ledger, there is now broad recognition that the costs are much greater than we originally thought.”
  • “So what does it cost a company when someone gets hurt on the job? Most of us are aware of the direct costs, which are items like ambulance rides, hospital stays, surgeries, physical rehabilitation, prescriptions, etc.”
  • “Conservative estimates place the indirect costs of an injury at up to 4.5 times that of the direct costs. The crushing financial impact of a workplace injury clearly shows that investments in safety can pay back in very short order.
  • “Discipline yourself to wear the appropriate PPE during the workday. This includes safety glasses, hard-toe boots with metatarsal guards, gloves and face shields.”

Please take the time to read the entire article, and thanks to Tony for focusing on this crucial issue!

Written by CCAR